It’s easy to add the look of leaded glass to any piece that has plain glass panes. We found a charming old door, and upgraded it with faux leading and a mirrored finish.
Make a Leaded Mirror. To create this project yourself, you’ll need self-adhesive faux lead lines and a product called “Liquid Leading,” both of which are available at craft stores. You’ll also need to purchase “looking glass” spray paint to give the glass a reflective surface.
First, create your leaded glass design on a piece of paper. Cut your paper template to the same size as the glass pane, and then tape it to the back side of the glass with painter's tape.
Apply self-adhesive lead lines to the glass. Use a craft knife to trim overlapping lines, so the joints will stay flat (inset).
Add small dabs of Liquid Leading at all of the joints where the leading lines meet. This will cover gaps and simulate soldering.
Complete the project by spraying “looking glass” paint on the reverse side of the glass. Use a sweeping motion to apply at least five thin coats.