Applying a faux finish to a plain frame will make it look as good as the photo that it surrounds. Our goal with this particular project was to create a soft, warm look that would complement a colorful beach portrait nicely.
Gathering Supplies. The main ingredients needed here are paint, glaze, and drywall joint compound. For tools, you'll need a chip brush, a paint roller, and a sanding block. In addition, purchase a paint comb — a texturing tool that's available at art stores or online.
The first step is to prime the frame and apply a base coat. We used a light tan base color to closely match the “sandy” color that we chose for the topcoat.
The texture of this frame is created with drywall joint compound that’s thinned with paint primer in a 3:1 ratio. Use a ½"-nap paint roller to completely coat the face of the frame with the mixture.
Once the frame is coated, use the comb to add texture. To do this, pull the comb over the frame from top to bottom in a sweeping motion. Now let the compound dry. To create the crosshatch effect, apply one more coat of compound on top of the first. Then, comb this new coat perpendicular to the direction of the first to complete the textured look. Use a sanding block to knock off any high spots as desired.
Now you can apply the topcoat. We mixed the base with some Autumn Brown colorant in a 6:1 ratio to create the glaze. Use a stiff chip brush to dab the glaze onto the frame for a multi-toned look.
Feel free to apply glaze in some areas more liberally than in others. As you work, you should also alternate between brushing and dabbing to enhance the effect’s mottled appearance.