This quick project pulls double duty as a decor accent and a spot to store your favorite jewelry. Plus, you can get any look you like depending on the placemat you choose for the background. You’ll also need a shadow box, a piece of foam board, and some decorative tacks.
To get started, remove the glass and the backer from the shadow box frame. Trace the glass on the placemat as well as a piece of foam board, and cut them both to size.
Now it’s time to put all of the components together. Place the spacer insert (photo, left), placemat, foam board, and shadow box backer into the frame. Leave the glass out.
We painted upholstery tacks (which are longer than corkboard tacks) with metallic spray paint, then stuck them between the beads of this placemat and into the foam board. This makes them secure enough to hold earrings and necklaces. Create a few matching displays to hang on the wall or set on a dresser.